Коучі та тренери


PERSONAL INFORMATION   Vasyl Zalizko (14.11.1979)

Kyiv-Myrotska str.; House 104 B, 08292 Bucha (Ukraine) – to 24.02.22 (the house is destroyed)


  • Experience in information technologies, mathematics, statistics, micro- and macroeconomic analysis, modeling and forecasting of spline-risk, across a wide variety of entrepreneurship-socio-environmental (E-S-E) system.
  • Competence in applying methods of quantitative risk analysis (Monte Carlo simulation, epidemiology, exposure assessment, fault tree analysis, and risk in decision-making).
  • Experiences the stakeholder mapping and identification process of responsibility for planning, Business Tendency Surveys. Implementation, conduction and interpretation and in Business cycle analysis (Project Management Methodologies: HERMES 5.1, SAP Analytics Cloud, Matlab, PROMPT, E-prime, SPSS and Сomputer and Blockchain technologies.
  • Experience as an editor of a scientific journal, writing advertising texts and politicians’ reports. Addressing a broader audience through presentations and media engagement.
  • Producing analytical on transatlantic security for Ukrainian government. The Security and NATO transformation policies in context Definlandization of Ukraine.
  • Development of «Blue Ocean Strategy» for the sustainable development of local territories (Management concepts that will be applied to envrionmental and business case studies). Implementation of a digital strategy for the development of a network innovation ecosystem.
  • Expertise in assessment of IT-security and in interpretation of business cycle indicators. Computer simulation, statistical modeling and forecasting of Gig-economy processes.
  • Mathematical methods of assessing Economic Security at the macro- and microlevels. The Forecast of transformation of Transatlantic and European Security.
  • Expert Assessment of ePRIME Management training and experience in leading a group and knowledge of quantitative and qualitative social science methods.
  • Personnel management for around 1500 – 2500 employees (scientists and technical staff) at 26 differen regions of Ukraine. Experience of social power, mindset priming, and affect influence of including goal-pursuit processes, social perception, and leadership. Scientific work in nonparametric statistics, time series analysis and forecasting. International PRINCE2).
  • Business Architect/ Business Analyse und Projekte or Business Requirements IT-Engineer. good management skills, interest to work at the science-practice interface.
  • Entrepreneurship integration in education and science. Development and implementation of a communication strategy for startups (in particular, creation of corporate identity, branded merchandise and clothing for schools and universities).



04/2022                   Scientific internship «Business, IT and European Cyber Security» at the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University

Government of the Republic of Poland, Lublin (Poland)

09/2019                   Academic Degree  Doktor habilitowany (Doctor of Economic Sciences. Management and Analysis of Enterprise Resources) Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznan (Poland) 

06/2019                   Absolwent Program Kirkland Research (Political and Environmental sciences) Leaders of Change Foundation, Warsaw (Poland).

12/2018                   Professor’s diploma (Specialty: Enterprise Economics and Management)

Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine)

11/2015                   Scientific training «Informatics in Economics and Management»

Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Kyiv (Ukraine).The Training “European Union Innovation and Investment Development” in the Project by the Lifelong Learning Programs of the EU.

06/2015                   Academic Degree – Doctor of Economic Sciences

National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics”, Kyiv (Ukraine) Defense of the thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences on Specialty 08.00.03 – Economics and National Economy Management. Title – “Social and economic development strategy for rural areas in the context of economic security strengthening in Ukraine”.

11/2011                   Obtainment of the academic rank of Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations Kyiv (Ukraine)

04/2008                   Diploma of Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences (PhD equivalent)

Institute of Mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine) Defence of the thesis for the degree of Candidate of Physics and Mathematics on Specialty 01.01.01 – Mathematical Analysis. Title – “Estimates coconvex Approximation” (Spline-forecasting and Mathematical Foundations of Big Data Analytics)

05/2001                 Master in Mathematics (Diplom with distinction)

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv (Ukraine) Mathematical Foundations of Big Data Analytics


H-index = 11,

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5362-8270

Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=572130129 62

Web of Science Researcher ID: G-8633-2019

https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?hl=uk&pli=1&user=QP O_LwUAAAAJ

The citations since 2017 – 450


03/2017–02/2022         General Director (Founder, 50%)

International Innovation Center, Kyiv (Ukraine) iicenter.com.ua

– Organization and consultation of a pool of mentors, investors, formation of accelerators, incubators and venture partnership programs between Ukraine, Poland and other countries.

– Development of relevant functions related to BI/analysis, planning, dashboarding, reporting, simulation and augmented analytics in a single HR-platform.

– Development and implementation of a communication strategy for startups.

– Creation of an interregional business center of biodiversity conservation, development of tests and questionnaires.

– Formation of Big Data on Azerbaijani, Polish, Swiss and Ukrainian enterprises based on the criteria of innovation and entrepreneurship integration in education (in particular, on the example of the company SOCAR Energy).

– Environmental policy modeling from a political science and governance perspective.

– Organization of finding sponsors, partners for events for support of scientific talents.

– Founder of IIS, an startup working on the development of corporate identity, branded merchandise and clothing for schools and universities in Poland and Ukraine.

03/2019–02/2022         Chief Executive Officer (Founder of a startup, 100%)

International Innovative School, Kyiv (Ukraine) iis.org.ua

– Development of a digital strategy for the development of a network of young entrepreneurs in the context of a balanced innovation ecosystem.

Complex IT-projects using the modern methods (Research, grants NAWA, NCN, Horizon  etc).

– Advises students, researchers and teachers of UEP (Poznań University of Economics and Business) and Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman on starting a university business and provides information about the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Best practice in questionnaire design.

– Implementation of entrepreneurship principles at school and university. IT- security, Support Vector Machines, Self-teaching texts, Learning without a Teacher, Blockchain technology, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence for sustainable development, Multiple Intelligence Questionnaire. 

09/2009–02/2022 Professor at the Department of Technical protection Information (75%) National Academy of Security Service of Ukraine, Kyiv (Ukraine) www.academy.ssu.gov.ua

– Holding lectures in strategic analysis, higher mathematics, probability theory and statistics;

– Organization of scientific work at the department, scientific conferences and seminars;

– Mathematical, psychophysical and social-cognitive basis of polygraph work.

– Formation of Big Data. Digitalization of production– Industry 4.0.

02/2019–03/2022 Researcher of the Faculty of Economics (75%)

Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, (Ukraine) http://www.univ.kiev.ua/en/

– Consulting politicians and the government on issues of sustainable development. – Conducting exit polls.

Organizational and Economic support of Technology Transfer and Formation of Business Climate in Research Universities of Ukraine.

– Development of a strategy for the internationalization of technology transfer in the transnational space: analytical forecasting, modeling of challenges and prospects.

10/2019–02/2020 Professor of Department of Corporate Resources Management (100%) Poznań University of Economics and Business, Poznan (Poland)

– Economic analysis, Economic Security Management (at the level of Enterprises, Rural Areas, Special Municipalities as well as States).

– Work efficiency assessment.

– Application of mathematical methods in economics and management.

– Economic and mathematical analysis.

– Blockchain technology, machine learning.

– Statistica, SPSS, MapInfo, Mathсad, Wolfram Mathematica, WinEdt (LaTex).

09/2015–02/2018           Professor at the Department of Enterprise Economics

National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine, Irpin’ (Ukraine) www.asta.edu.ua

– Holding lectures in Economic safety, Innovative development enterprise, research methodology, strategic management and analysis.

– Organization of scientific work at the department, scientific conferences and seminars.

– Preparation of textbooks, manuscripts, monographs and manuals.

10/2016–11/2018      Financial and economic security analyst (50%)

Association “HTI”, Kyiv (Ukraine)

  • Cooperation with Main Department of Statistics of Kyiv
  • Deputizing for the head of IT and support in the implementation of the IT strategy and the service catalogue.
  • Planning and organizing events for policymakers and government officials.
  • Policy analysis and modeling. 

11/2014–01/2018  Senior Research Officer at the Department of Social and Economic development of rural territories

National Scientific Centre «Institute of Agrarian Economy”, Kyiv (Ukraine) www.iae.org.ua

  • performing research and advanced development in agricultural economics and socio-environmental development of rural areas;
  • formation of theoretical and methodological bases for comprehensive strategy of rural development and agricultural sector;
  • Integrated assessment of environmental safety, population surveys, passporting of areas
  • guidance on the research work


09/2007–09/2010 Associate Professor at the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations

National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv (Ukraine) www.npu.edu.ua

  • holding lectures in differential equations, calculus and complex analysis;
  • organization of educational and scientific work at the department, scientific

09/2004–12/2004       Computer Scientist, Math and Physics Teacher

For Ukrainian children, Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation, Trogen (Schweiz) www.pestalozzi.ch



Mother tongue(s)



Ukrainian, Polish


Foreign language(s) UNDERSTANDING SPEAKING                                                              WRITING
Listening Reading Spoken interaction production
German B2 B2 A2 A2 B1
English B2 B2 A2 B1 B2
Polish B2 B2 B2 B2 B1
Russian C2 C2 C2 C2 C2

Communication skills Levels: A1 and A2: Basic user – B1 and B2: Independent user – C1 and C2: Proficient user Common European Framework of Reference for Languages

  • Good level of creativity, organizational skills, ability to work with groups of all ages, be a good team player as well as be able to work independently;
  • Сonstructive thinking and ability to achieve

Organizational / managerial skills

  • Leadership (currently responsible for a team of 10-300 people);
  • Good organizational skills gained as Head of the Division of “Centre for Monitoring Commodity Markets” in National University of State Tax Service of Ukraine and Chair of the Scientific Society in National Pedagogical Dragomanov

Research experience from the past 5 years (research projects implemented, source of financing)

Excellent analytical skills (80 scientific studies, including 10 monographs, numerous articles in journals included in international databases (Scopus, WoS, Index Copernicus, EBSCOhost, Econlit). Scientific advisor of three candidates in economic sciences.

Scientific supervisor of the project, doctor of economic sciences, researcher at the faculty of economics of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Since 2009 has been conducting research on the Self-teaching texts, Learning without a Teacher, Support Vector Machines in the context of sustainable development. Research of national economy in the conditions of unstable socio-ecological and economic situation. He is a member of several European scientific societies, head of the International Innovation Center. In addition, he participated in the implementation of 12 grants and research works at the National University of the SFS of Ukraine (2010-2015), the National Scientific Centre “Institute of Agrarian Economics” (2012-2015), the Mathematics Institute of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University and and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv (TSNUK), in particular:

  • leader, from the Ukrainian side, of the International project “Central European Network of Sustainable and Innovative Economy” (№PPI/APM/2019/1/00047/U/ 00001/IIC, 2019 are still in progress). The Applicant’s role in the project: formation of economic and mathematical forecasting of secure IT space and microsimulation modeling of a new way of thinking about scientific resources, business and economy and their influence on each other is carried out (funded at the expense of the polish agency for academic exchanges – NAWA);
  • international project “Innovation capacity building in Ukrainian SMEs and enhancing cooperation with European SMEs” (№ 831235, EEN-Ukraine-TSNUK, H2020-EEN- SGA3-2018). The role in the project: assistant project coordinator in matters of budget calculation (funded at the expense of Horizon 2020).

Participation in national research projects:

  • performer of Scientific Research Work of (TSNUK) “Innovative mechanisms for intensifying the development of scientific and technical activities in Ukraine”. The role in the project: formation of algorithms for intensifying the development of scientific activities in Ukraine and sustainable development strategies SME (2019-2021, funded at the expense of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, state registration number: 0119U100324);
  • performer of Scientific Research Work of TSNUK “Organizational and Economic support of Technology Transfer and Formation of Business Climate in Research Universities of Ukraine”. The role in the project: modeling and forecasting of Technology Transfer and Formation of Business Climate in Research Universities of Ukraine (2020-2021, funded at the expense of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine);
  • performer of Scientific Research Work of TSNUK “Development of a strategy for the internationalization of technology transfer in the transnational space: analytical forecasting, modeling of challenges and prospects”. The role: economic and mathematical calculations, analytical forecasting and modeling of technology transfer in Ukraine (2020-2021, funded at the expense of MESU, state registration number: 0116U004825);
  • performer of Scientific Work “Development of rural and community development strategy: theoretical, methodological and practical principles” in NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics”. The role in the project: formed strategy in the context of strengthening sustainable development of Ukraine (2017, funded at the expense of MESU, registration number: 0111U001155);
  • leader, from the Ukrainian side, of the international project “Self-teaching texts to study mathematics”.

Digital skills                                                                         SELF-ASSESSMENT

Information processing  



Content creation



Problem- solving
Independent user Independent user Independent user Independent user Independent user

Digital skills – Self-assessment grid

Experienced user of Computer Software: Statistica, SPSS, MapInfo, Mathсad, Wolfram Mathematica, Microsoft Office, WinEdt (LaTex).


Honours and awards

  • Scholar of Program Maria Curie-Sklodowska University (2022)
  • Scholar of Program Kirkland Research (2018-2019)
  • Volleyball gold medalist (2015)
  • Scholar of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine for Young Scientists (2010-2011)
  • The Outstanding Young Investigator Award from the Scientific Research Society in 2011
  • The Aword from Kyiv Mayor for significant success in education (2005)
  • A golden watch for the best head of the Scientific society at Drahomanov University (1999)
  • Diplomas with distinction (1996, 2000, 2001, 2004)
  • Academic Excellence Gold Medal (1996)
  • Volleyball gold medalist (1994)

Performing the functions of a member of the editorial boards of scientific publications included in the list of specialized scientific publications of Ukraine:

  1. Bulletin of the Academy of Labor, Social Relations and Tourism, Kyiv;
  2. Economic Series: finance, accounting, taxation (State Tax University, Irpin);
  3. Bioeconomy and agrarian business. Series: Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activity (National University of Bioresources and Nature Management of Ukraine, Kyiv).


Publications – 195 scientific articles, monographs, textbooks,in particular: 

  1. Zalizko (2024) Development of Intelligent Entrepreneurship Network in a modern University. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, London. (being prepared for printing)
  2. Zalizko V. Math-military psychological basis of use ePRIME for Ukraine’s membership in NATO (being prepared for printing in 2024). – Scopus
  3. Zalizko V. Integral index of Assessing the Outcomes of russia’s Cyber War on Ukraine: current State and Forecast (being prepared for printing in 2024). – Scopus
  4. Zalizko V. AI Modeling of Consequences of Ukraine joining NATO for Forecast of transformation of Transatlantic and European Security. Forecast of transformation of European Security. (being prepared for printing in 2023). – Scopus.
  5. Zalizko (2023) Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Artificial Intelligence&Agriculture: new Architecture of Euro-Atlantic Security Swiss (being prepared for printing, Political Science Review) 
  6. Zalizko , Dobrowolski R., Myskin Y., M. Sokolova O., Diachenko S. (2023) Definlandization and the New Economic Policy of Ukraine in the post-war period. Business analysis, NVNGU, No. 2, Pp. 150–157. – Scopus.
  7. Zalizko D. IT-modernization of the method HERMES on the basis of continuous Polynomials and Coconvex Splines Approximation (being prepared for printing in 2023). – Scopus
  8. Zalizko D., Dobrowolski R. Statistics and Accounting of Climate Risks for Agriculture as a result of the war in Ukraine (being prepared for printing in 2023). – Scopus
  9. Alekseieva K, Novikova , Zalizko V., Bediukh O. Prognosis Assessment of the Role of Digital Platforms in Providing the Internationalization of the Knowledge Economy. Technological Forecasting & Social Change (the article uses my forecasting methodology and algorithm, preprint for printing in 2023) – Scopus
  10. Zalizko D. (2023) Swiss experience in the administration of IT-projects in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine. Scientific Collection «InterConf-UA», pp. 1-4.
  11. Zalizko D. (2022) The Danger of Finlandization of Ukraine: Proposals for Financial, Economic and Software Development of Local Territories. Scientific Collection «InterConf-UA», pp. 29-31.
  12. Zalizko , Dobrowolski R., Cherniak A. Artemov V., Nowak D. (2022) Gig-economy as a Safety Gradient for Sustainable Development of the Mining Industry. Business analysis, NVNGU, No. 4, Pp. 170–175. – Scopus http://nvngu.in.ua/jdownloads/pdf/2022/4/04_2022_Zalizko.pdf
  13. Fedun , Zalizko V., Tyshchenko O., Stetsko M., Ilin V. (2022) International and National Dimension of Blockchain Technology in the Management of United Territorial Communities (UTC). AIP Conference Proceedings 2413, 040008. URL. https://aip.scitation.org/doi/abs/10.1063/5.0079290 – Scopus
  14. Zalizko , Mykula R. (2021) Innovative Development of Agro-industrial Complex in the conditions of Covid-19, Economic Space. Vol. 174, pp. 39-43.
  15. Zghurska , Dymenko R., Larina Ya., Fedorchenko A., Zalizko V. (2021) Strategic Forecast of Multifactorial Impact on the Efficiency of Diversified Enterprises. Business analysis and projects. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. No. 25. Tom 2, pp. 328-344 Web of Science
  16. Nowak D., Zalizko V. etc. (2021) Production–operation management. The chosen aspects. Modern management methods. Monograph, Poznań University of Economics and Business Press. 230 p. Index Copernicus
  17. Zalizko , Nowak D., Kukhta P., Mykula R. (2020) COVID-19’s Impact on the Innovation Development of Economies of Ukraine and Poland: Current Status and Prospects. Business Inform. No. 4, PP. 79-87 – Index Copernicus
  18. Zalizko , Nowak D., Kukhta P. (2020) Economic security of Ukraine: IT-concept of strengthening in the context of Covid-19. NVNGU, No. 4, pp. 152–157. – Scopus
  19. Karpenko , Zhylinska O., Zalizko V., Kukhta P., Vikulova A. (2019) Human development in the context of provision of the social safety of society. Journal of security and sustainability issues. Vol. 8. No. 4. pp. 1275-1286. Scopus
  20. Karpenko , Zhylinska O., Zalizko V., Gaidai T., Kukhta P. (2019) Strategic Management of Entrepreneurship based on Smart Technologies. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, London. Vol 22(5). URL. https://www.abacademies.org/articles/strategic-management-of-entrepreneurship-based-on- smart-technologies-8595.html Scopus
  21. Zalizko , Lisova R. (2019) State and Perspectives of Using Wide-Broad Internet Access in Ukraine’s Enterprises in the Conditions of Innovative Development. Black sea economic studies. Vol. 2. No. 41, PP. 58-63. Index Copernicus
  22. Karpenko , Zalizko V., Vdovenko N., Starynets, O., Mieniailova H. (2019) Entrepreneurship as a basis for promotion of the strategy of development of Polish IT-Enterprises. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, London. Vol 22 (3), pp. 1275-1286. Scopus
  23. Zalizko , Starynets, O. (2019) Innovative Means of Digitalization of Services in United Territorial Communities. Business Inform. PP. 71-77 Index Copernicus
  24. Zalizko , Salayev K., Poprozman N. (2018) Economic and financial security of Azerbaijan in the context of institutional transformations / Financial and credit activities: problems of theory and practice. No. 25, Tom 2, s. 278-287 Web of Science
  25. Zalizko V., Talavyria M., Lymar V., Baidala V. (2018) Synergistic Effects of Agricultural Intensification of Bioeconomic Security: Experience of Poland, Ukraine and Azerbaijan, European Association of Agricultural Economists, Pulawy. URL. https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/281269
  26. Zalizko D., Gurochkina V.V. (2018) Modeling economic security of enterprises: Tutorial. University of DFS of Ukraine, Irpin, 188 p.
  27. Zalizko D., Vdovenko N. M. Heraimovych V. L. (2018) The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union and the ways of its implementation in Ukraine : monograph IAFE-NRI, Warszawa. Statistics Poland. pp.71–81.
  28. Zalizko D., Vdovenko N.M., Shepeliev S.S. (2018) A paradigmatic view on the possibility of applying the provisions of the Common Agricultural and Fisheries Policy of the EU in the agrarian sector of the economy in Ukraine. The CAP and national priorities within the EU budget after 2020 : monograph IAFE-NRI, Warszawa. Statistics Poland, s. 214-231. – Web of Science
  29. Lazebnyk , Lyashenko H., Tkachenko V., Zalizko V. (2018) Economics of Enterprise. Study Guide. Irpin: SFS University of Ukraine. – 500 p. – (Series “To help a student of UDFSU”, vol. 26).
  30. Zalizko D., Martynenkov V.I., Gyrba N.S. (2018) Priorities for research on socioeconomic problems of Ukrainian in 2019-2020: IT-innovation, entrepreneurship, decentralization. Agrosvit, No. 14. – 2018. – P. 16-20. Index Copernicus
  31. Zalizko V.D., Lutcenko I.O., Martynenkov V.I. (2017) Evaluation of Sustainable Rural Development of Ukraine: Regional Aspect. Polissya scientific bulletin,Vol.1 (4 (12)) Economy and informatics series. P.p. 182-188 . – Web of Science
  32. Zalizko D. (2017) Methodology for integral estimation of Ukrainian agriculture efficiency. Risk in the Food Economy – Theory and Practice : monograph IAFE-NRI, Warszawa. Statistics Poland, s. 183-195. – Index Copernicus
  33. Zalizko V.D. (2017) Implementation of “Blue ocean” strategy in Poland and Ukraine agricultural sectors: current status, opportunities and growth Strategies for the agri-food sector and rural areas
  34. – dilemmas of development : monograph IAFE-NRI, T.52.1, Warszawa. Statistics Poland, P. 96-105. – Index Copernicus
  35. Zalizko D., Fedun I.L., Martynenkov V.I. (2017) Representative Model of Economic Development for an Agricultural Enterprise in the Context of Socioeconomic Rural Space Formation, Montenegrin Journal of Economics, Vol. 13, No. 3, P. 53-62. – Web of Science
  36. Zalizko V.D. (2017) Theoretical, methodological and practical background for the development of rural areas in the context of strengthening their economic and IT-security : monograph LA 85 p.
  37. Zalizko , Martynenkov V., Lutsenko I. (2017) Innovative model of agrarian system of Ukrainian village, Actual problems of the economy, No. 4 (190), pp. 113-124. – Index Copernicus
  38. Zalizko D., Martynenkov V. I. (2016) Method of estimation of the economic safety of Ukraine’s rural territories, Ekonomika Ukrainy, Vol. 1(650), pp. 19-34. – Index Copernicus
  39. Zalizko D. (2015) Social and economic development strategy for rural territories in the context of economic security strengthening in Ukraine. Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.03 – Economics and National Economy Management. – National Science Center “Institute of Agrarian Economics”, Kyiv, 2015. – 507 p.
  40. Zalizko D. (2015) Prospective Ways to modernize the Assessment of Polygraph test Results in order to increase the Probability of detecting Corruption among Employees of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine. Irpin, Computer technologies of personnel management. NUSTSU, Pp. 549-556
  41. Zalizko V.D. (2015) Scientific and practical aspects Formation strategies targets and structure of socio-economic development of rural areas to modern conditions [electronic resource] Efficient Economy, Vol. 2. Access: http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua – Index Copernicus
  42. Zalizko D (2015) The index method in evaluating the welfare of rural territories. Economy APK, Vol. 1(243), Computer technologies. Pp. 64-69. Index Copernicus
  43. Zalizko D (2015) Mathmethod in Evaluating the CO2 Sinks in Agricultural Enterprises. Economy APK, Vol. 2, Agriculture. Pp. 4-9. – Index Copernicus
  44. Zalizko D. (2014) Rural territories of Ukraine: strategic development priorities in the context of strengthening economic and IT-safety – Irpin: monograph, Publishing NUSTSU. – 102 p.
  45. Zalizko D. (2013) Introducing contemporary ICT as a prospective direction of rural development and the key to strengthening economic security of rural territories: the current state, problems and the ways to solve them, Actual Problems of Economics, Information and Communications Technology, Vol. 10(148) , pp. 214-221. – Scopus
  46. Zalizko D. Methodological foundations of construction of an Electronic Textbook for Mathematical Analysis (for Students of Information and Communications Technology Specialties), Scientific notes of Mykola Gogol Nizhyn State University. Nizhin: No. 7. P. 127-129.
  47. Zalizko D. (2010) Features of the application of Distance Learning and Assessment in the Study of Mathematical Analysis in Pedagogical higher Education Institutions. Information and Communications Technology, Publishing house of National Pedagogical Dragomanov University. Vol. 1, pp. 8-15
  48. Zalizko D. Estimates coconvex approximation. Manuscript. Thesis for Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) degree in Physics and Mathematics specialization 01.01.01 — mathematical analysis. Institute of mathematics of NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2008.
  49. Zalizko D. (2007) Coconvex approximation of periodic functions. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 59, pp. 28-44 . – Scopus
  50. Zalizko D., Dzyubenko H. A. (2005) Pointwise Estimates for the Coconvex Approximation of Differentiable Functions. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 57, pp. 52-69 . – Scopus
  51. Zalizko D., Dzyubenko H. A. (2004) Coconvex approximation of functions with more than one inflection point. Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, Vol. 56, pp. 427-445. – Scopus